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Conveyor systems designed to improve your workflow efficiency. Alztec has just the right solution for you.

Whatever your conveyor requirements: Alztec has the know-how for devising just the right solution to meet your needs. Either configured from Alztec’s extensive basic portfolio of existing solutions or specially developed and customized just for you. Talk to the experts for conveyor systems. Receiving relevant and knowledgeable information about your project is the first step in the right direction. Time to forward more than just your goods. The sky is the limit. The truemakers are ready and waiting to serve you.


conveyor systems

Conveying, stacking,
separating battery modules.
Charged with benefits.

The task


Battery modules in load carriers are to be automatically unloaded from a truck, repacked from a stack of 7 to a stack of 4 and fed to a warehouse repacked and fed into a warehouse. Production should retrieve the battery modules, assemble them into a vehicle battery and transport them back to the warehouse in stacks of 4. Here, stacks of 7 should be packed again and automatically fed to the truck. In addition, the empties and basic pallets must be handled.

The solution

An automatic truck unloading system brings the stacks of 7 on a base pallet to a frame store. There the stacked into stacks of 4 and the base pallets are stacked 5 high. The finished stacks are moved to the warehouse and reported to the higher-level control system. When battery modules are called off from production, they are taken from the warehouse and moved to the module handlers via the conveyor system. There the load carriers are there, the load carriers are fed individually to the handling units, which recognise the module position by camera and transfer them to the production conveyor line. Empty load carriers are loaded with a finished battery, which is fed from production, brought together in stacks of 4 and transported to the warehouse. As required, stacks of 4 batteries are removed from storage, restacked into stacks of 7 and automatically loaded into the truck.

Facts & figures

Takt time modules 3,5 s
Takt time batterie 33 s
Load capacity 2,5 / 5 tons

Alztec team:
12 design & engineering staff
50 assembly & commissioning staff
25 electrical & control engineering staff

Main components:
380 metres chain conveyors
21 rotary tables
10 distribution cars
13 staple-/Latchmodules
3 framestorages
4 modulehandlings
300 sqm platform with stairs and railings
1 system control including visualization


Conveying system
for load carrier in
the ATEX area

Dynamically clearing the way.

Fördertechnik Ladungsträger
Fördertechnik Ladungsträger

The task


In explosion-proof areas, load carriers shall be transported from one production space to the next.

The solution

By the use of proper material pairs, chain conveyors, rotary tables and lifting unit have been developed which by their operation cannot generate any ignition spark. The equipment crosses various areas (fireproof zones) secured by fireproof gates. In a production area. the handling portal removes the product from the load carrier and puts the latter into the processing station. Thereafter the portal removes the component again from the station and puts it again into the load carrier. In order to be able to enter the equipment for maintenance work also inside and to provide it with material from manual lifting cars, a lifting unit with pneumatic control has been developed and installed. Alztec has assumed in this project the complete layout design, the mechanical Engineering as well as the manufacture and installation of the components. The customer took care of the electrical installation and of the control engineering.

Facts & figures

Capacity​: 400 pcs./day

Alztec team:
4 EE in design
6 EE in assembly / commissioning

Main components:
150 metres roller conveyors
12 corner conveyors
2 turning devices
2 lifting devices
1 handling device


Heavy load
conveying equipment
8 tons

Load carriers on track.

The task


For the paint finishing system, the Alztec customer needed conveyor technology that endlessly transports load carriers with heavy components in a rectangle.

The solution

For this purpose, the robust chain conveyor technology with two strands is selected. A centrally arranged rail guides the load carriers on the conveyor system. To protect against paint dust, the sensors are positioned in the middle of the chain conveyor so that they are covered by the load carrier in the stop position.
Turntables in the system allow the components to be processed on both sides. At the beginning and at the end of the painting line there are distribution trolleys, which transfer the load carriers to the parallel return line or take them over from it.
Alztec develops the construction of the complete conveyor technology and the maintenance corridors, as well as their installation at the end customer. The general contractor installed and commissioned the electrification and control technology.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 300 pcs./day

Alztec team:
2 EE in design
4 EE in assembly / commissioning

Main components:
16 chain conveyors
2 distribution cars
2 rotary tables
1 tilting table
1 lifting table


Heavy load
14 tons

We also will supply the correct color.

The task


The applicable conveying equipment was needed for the feed and the removal of steel sheet parts to a flame cutting equipment.

The solution

Due to the large variety of sheet metal parts, our team of engineers designed, in close cooperation with the customer, a seven-track chain conveyor. The cherry on the cake for this project was provided by the very interesting color scheme of the customer. After the test run in our factory, the chain conveyors were installed, electrified and commissioned by the end customer.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 14 tons

Alztec Team:
1 EE in design
1 EE in assembly and commissioning

Main components:
5 chain conveyors


Conveying plant
with lifters

We span roads.

The task


A road separates the production and the shipping area. Due to the increasing traffic and the continuously increasing production numbers, a transport by forklift across the road is no longer the ideal solution.

The solution

An integrated bridge connects the two roadsides. On both sides a lifter was installed, each of which can accept two pallets. The transfer points are designed in such a way that they can be served by forklifts as well as hand pallet trucks.
The control engineering has been designed to transport the products from one side to the other and on the empties from shipment back to the production.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 720 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
2 EE in design
3 EE in assembly and commissioning
2 EE in electrics and control engineering

Main components:
60 m conveying track
2 lifters
1 rotary table
1 plant control incl. visualisation


Heavy load conveying
16 tons

Gentle giants.

The task


Piles of metal sheets are to be automatically stacked in the manufacturing cell and then transported via a conveyor system to the intermediate storage.

The solution

The sizes and weights of the metal plate stacks presented the Alztec engineers with the challenge of designing the conveying means in a way to ensure that the stacks could be transported without failure, despite the weight and distortion factor.
For this purpose, chain conveyors with six tracks, driven on both sides, were designed for the longitudinal transport. The cross transport was implemented by roller conveyors with closer divisions and multiple support rolls below the carrying rolls. The corner conveyor included a hydraulic lifting gear that can lift and lower the chain conveyors with six synchronized hydraulic cylinders.
Alztec supplied and installed the conveying system at the final customer. The manufacturer of the sheet metal plates took over the electrical installation and the control engineering.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 400 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
2 EE in design
3 EE in assembly and commissioning

Main components:
12 m 6-track chain conveyor
30 m roller conveyor
1 hydraulic lifting gear


Conveying technology for solar
modules (steel design)

Smooth transport of glass
and solar modules.

The task


The production of a solar module requires many manufacturing steps. The task was to develop a universal conveying design by which glass and solar panels can be transported from one manufacturing position to the next.

The solution

Two and three strand toothed belt conveyors transport the glass and the solar panels smoothly through the plant. Corner conveyors and rotary tables approach the individual manufacturing cells. Centering devices and lifting tables ensure the correct position of the glass and solar panels during production.
In order to be able to maintain production figures at a high level in a manufacturing cell, and to relieve the system in the event of delays, special FILO buffers (first in – last out) were developed and installed in advance.
Our company was “only” responsible for the construction and production of conveyor technology as well as their mechanical and electrical installation. The manufacturing cells and the complete sequence control were taken over by a general contractor.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 1.440 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
4 EE in design
4 EE in assembly and commissioning

Main components:
137 toothed belt conveyors
23 eccentric lift gears 12 centering devices
6 lifting tables
3 rotary tables 12 FILO buffer
17 chain conveyors
2 distribution cars


Box conveyor technology

The right product
in the right box
in the right place.

The task


In a galvanizing workshop, the non -treated parts were delivered by the customers in Bito-boxes. In the plant, these must be put into special baskets so that they then can pass several dipping baths. After the galvanic treatment, the parts have to be put back into the cleaned Bito-boxes.

The solution

For the conveying of the Bito crates and baskets, chain conveyors were used throughout. Rotary tables implemented all direction changes in the plant. The transfer units include a gripper to accept the boxes or baskets, a lifting station with transverse chassis for the transfer to the funnel and a rotary unit that puts the parts into the funnel after which the parts are transferred into the boxes or baskets. Alztec designed the complete Conveyor technology including the rotary tables, lifters, tilting station, turning station and cover plate handling. After the production of the components at well-known manufacturer companies, we installed the complete mechanics at the end customer. The electrics and the control technology were carried out by a general contractor.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 720 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
12 EE in design
8 EE in assembly and commissioning
4 EE in electrics and control engineering

Main components:
160 m conveying track
4 lifters
12 rotary table
4 transfer units
1 tilting units
2 turning stations 1 Cover handling


Conveying means for solar panels
(aluminium design)

From the glass to the
solar panel.

The task


A conveying technology was required for the manufacture of solar panels, which would transport the semi-finished panels from one manufacturing position to the next.

The solution

For a smooth transport, timing belt conveyors were developed, which can transport the glass up to the finished solar panel. Depending on the required position of the products, the crossings and branching connections in the conveying systems were implemented with corner conversions or rotary tables. For the transfer of the glass or panels to the robots, assembly devices with suction features were designed and installed at several points in the plant. A worker implemented the quality control at the end of the manufacturing line. For this application, the solar panel was automatically assembled and placed on a non-driven roller conveyor, on which the employee could then carry out the inspections. After the control, the panel was automatically laid down again and transferred to the packaging area. Alztec supplied and installed the complete mechanical and electrical installation of the conveying technology for this project. The plant control system was implemented by the general contractor.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 1.440 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
4 EE in design
2 EE in assembly and commissioning

Main components:
53 timing belt conveyors
8 eccentric lifting gear
3 centering devices
2 rotary tables
4 assembly design
2 tilting tables


Packaging plant

Cardboard boxes brought
into shape.

The task


Cardboard boxes filled with product, which are placed on CP pallets, have to be strapped, wrapped in clear stretch film and labeled for shipment.

The solution

For the transport of the cardboard boxes on pallets, roller conveyors were almost exclusively used. These have the advantage that when strapping and stretching, the pallets can be easily pushed into the correct position.
The automatic strapping machine, the stretch wrapper and the labeling device were selected by our technicians and integrated into the system in such a way to guarantee flawless functioning. The components have their own control system, which communicates with our main control and ensures of the proper sequence.

Facts & figures

Capacity: 720 pcs./day

Alztec Team:
2 EE in design
3 EE in assembly and commissioning
2 EE in electrics and control engineering

Main components:
7 roller conveyors
3 chain conveyors
2 rotary tables
1 corner conveyor
1 hydraulic lifting table
1 strapping machine
1 stretch wrapper
1 automatic labeling device
1 plant control incl. visualisation

Which task do you wish to come
true for your organization?

Let’s talk about your needs & requirements.
Just call or send us a mail.

+49 8621 8061-0

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