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Custom-made systems, heavy-duty systems.

We make lightweights out of your heavyweights. 3 kgs to 30 kgs – 30 tons to 300 tons? Alztec offers customized solutions designed for your needs and requirements.

Can’t find any off-the-shelf solutions for your automation needs? That’s where Alztec’s custom-made systems come in. Alztec offers systems which are precisely tailored to your needs. Either based on Alztec’s extensive portfolio of existing solutions, rapidly tweaked and configured to meet your specific needs. Or brand new custom-made solutions specially designed and implemented just for you. The sky is the limit. The Truemaker are ready and waiting to serve you.

Fully automatic
rail loading

Save time on the tracks.
Heavy loads easily and
precisely loaded.

Automatische Bahnverladung

material flow of
vehicle bodies

This is where the connection comes into play. Over 400 vehicles are moved per day.
What matters is the bottom line.

Schwerlast Verladewagen für Vollautomatische Bahnverladung

Intra factory
material flow of
car bodies II

We establish connections.
Also from factory to factory.

Tool changing wagon
up to 20 tons

Heavy weights
easily moved.

Lifting, rotating device
for wind energy gears

For efficiently rotating
8 categories of heavyweights weighing
up to 32 tons. Easy as a breeze.

Spezialmaschine Drehvorrichtung

Handling with conveying
technology for dip-coating plant

Submerged engine blocks.

Conveying equipment
for a foundry

In perfect shape
for a foundry.

Compaction device
up to 250 kN

Using high pressure
to bring it in shape.

Medicine Transport

We transport your medicine cleanly
from the clean room to the shipping

Verschiebeeinheit für Hordenwagen im Reinraum

Which task do you wish to come
for your organization?

Let’s talk about your needs & requirements.
Just call or send us a mail.

+49 8621 8061-0

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